Sunday, 25 November 2012

Loeffler Boiler

Loeffler Boiler:- This Boiler also makes use of forced circulation. Its novel Principle is the evaporating of the feed water by means of super heated steam from the super heater, The hot gases from the furnace being primarily used for super heating purposes.
The High pressure feed pump draws water through the economiser and deliver it into the evaporating drum . The Steam circulating pump draws saturated steam from the evaporating drum and passes it through radiant and convective super heaters where steam is heated to required temp. From the super heater about one third of the super heated steam passes to prime mover The remaining two- third passes through the water in the evaporating drum in order to evaporate feed water.
 This boiler  can carry higher salt concentrations than any other type and is more compact then indirectly heated boilers having natural circulation . These qualities fit it for land or sea transport power generation.
           Loeffler boilers with generating capacity of 100 tonnes/h and operating at 140 bar are already commissioned.  


  1. This boiler works on a forced circulation and the circulation is maintained by a centrifugal pump, Plumber Parsons Green driven by a strem turbine using stream from boiler . For Emergency an electrically driver pump is fitted .

  2. Regular or conventional/traditional boilers only produce heat and all other major components are external to the boiler (pump, expansion vessel etc).

    boiler cooling treatment company in Ontario
